*Business Affairs Consulting
*Contract Review/Negotiation
*World Wide Digital Streaming
*Digital Marketing/Bookings
*Songwriter/Producer Royalty Recovery
*Copyright Protection/Registration
*Global Publishing Administration
*ISRC Certified Managers
Global Entertainment Specialist`
Ebaexecutives.com | Wedigi.com
EBA Executives, Inc. is a black-owned Entertainment Business Affairs and Copyright Infringement Recovery Agency.
EBA provides specialized entertainment business consultation and recovery services with no upfront cost for Underrepresented Minorities (URM) who are indigent, multi-talented, aspiring songwriters or recording artists whose copyright-protected original lyrical or musical compositions have been abused or infringed upon by other notable, top-grade recording artists.
This abuse and infringement are also being committed by the major recording artists and their multi-billion dollar major record companies-distributors, publishing collection companies and performance agencies in the music industry.
An Underrepresented Minority (URM) is a U.S. citizen who identifies as Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, or American Indian.
Over the past (20) twenty years, EBA Executives have represented over (25) twenty-five indigent (minority men, women and children) musical songwriters, producers and recording artists. EBA has challenged and successfully recovered over 80 million record sales from notable top-grade recording artists, major record companies, distributors, publishing and performance agencies for royalty recovery matters and copyright infringement claims.
See EBA’s Credits: https://ebaexecutives.com/clients/
Currently, EBA Executives are managing the business affairs and assisting with the civil legal claims of an impoverished young minority recording artist and songwriter from California, Mr. Brandon Saunders, who has filed a lawful Copyright Infringement Propria Persona civil action on November 24, 2021, against the music industry’s top billing, mega superstar recording artist-singer-performer, Chris Brown, | Sony Music Entertainment, Inc., | and Songs Of Universal, Inc., in the United States District Court Central District Of California, Western Division | Saunders v Brown et al. – C.D. Cal. / Case No. 2:21-cv-09237-DSF-GJS
See Justia Dockets & Filings: https://dockets.justia.com/docket/california/cacdce/2:2021cv09237/837805
A preliminary Analysis Musicologist Report by Brian McBrearty Musicology Services in Pleasanton, California, undoubtedly documented and outlined the comparisons of the “Original Composition” entitled “Wet” by Mr. Saunders and the “Infringing Work” entitled “Pills & Automobiles” by Chris Brown.
Mr. McBrearty’s preliminary musicologist comparison report found that the two (2) songs displayed substantial extreme similarities.
These irrefutable facts and many more are boldly exhibited in the legal claims filed with the court.
Our agency, EBA Executives Inc., in assistance and management of Mr. Saunders legal affairs are currently making efforts to “Raise Funds” to help pay the overwhelming cost of legal fees for our retained team of Litigation Law Firms (The Law Offices of Precious Felder, LLC. and The Law Offices of Joseph Edward Porter III).
We have an Atlanta and Los Angeles base legal team representing us as specialized legal advisors and trial attorneys in direct relation to the above civil action currently filed in court against Chris Brown | Chris Brown Entertainment LLC | Sony Music Entertainment | and Songs of Universal Inc.
Another associated legal cost will include hiring musicologists, accounting and other music industry experts to provide expert opinions and testimony. We will also allocate a portion of the funds to pay for EBA’s day-to-day administrative operations provided for Mr. Saunders during and after the civil judicial action.
Any remaining donated funds will be used to support EBA’s representation on rights and legal aid for any future Underrepresented Minority (URM), impoverished, multi-talented, aspiring, men and women musical songwriters/or recording artists seeking assistance with issues about their career.
Moreover, we are open to assisting any recording artist, songwriter or music producer who may feel that their works have been stolen or improperly utilized by other high-profile recording artists or music producers in the entertainment industries.
Please donate to this most worthy cause.
We are seeking financial donations and support from any person, group, or agency that may be concerned about the unlawful copyright infringements or recovery of musical works of disadvantaged young (minority) men and women inspired to break into the complex entertainment industries.
The truth is that many underprivileged yet talented young (minority men and women) songwriters or recording artists creating dynamic, lyrical and musical compositions are without sufficient financial funding to hire a knowledgeable entertainment attorney.
Proper legal representation is needed to litigate against prominent musicians and their powerful record companies, publishing agencies and lawyers.
The unfortunate result is that many of the prominent major recording artists and their major record companies- distributors and publishing agencies who are openly infringing upon the works of others who are underrepresented are simply getting away unscathed. In contrast, many naturally talented but poor, disadvantaged, young, vulnerable, and aspiring (minority men and women) musical songwriters, producers and recording artists never receive the due credit, royalty payment, or priceless recognition for their original copyright-protected works.
We are a One-America.
Everybody Must Have The Equal Opportunity To Succeed.
Not Just The Same Circle Of People and Corporations Of Power!!!!!
We strongly need your help! Any amount will do!
Thanks for your Support on behalf of aspiring young, talented underrepresented and disadvantaged minority men, women or kids simply seeking to better their lives as a result of the actual performances of their original intellectual creations and property rights throughout the entertainment industries.
Sincere Regards,
EBA Executives, Inc.