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EBA Executives, Inc.

{Entertainment Business Affairs}

We have designed strategically customed tactics which we are confident of opening doors to customers the industry has never before directly served. Applying EBA’S tactical advice to your everyday entertainment industry experiences positively creates a greater value for the products and services you produce.


*Business Affairs Consulting
*Contract Review/Negotiation
*World Wide Digital Streaming
*Digital Marketing/Bookings

*Songwriter/Producer Royalty Recovery
*Copyright Protection/Registration
*Global Publishing Administration
*ISRC Certified Managers

We are open and receptive to assist any recording artist, songwriter and/or music producer who may feel that his or her works has been stolen and/or improperly utilized by any other high profiled recording artists-entertainers, songwriters and/or music producers in the entertainment industries.

* Please complete the -EBA Client Intake Form *